17 December 2011

You Can be a Good Parent and also Satisfy the Need for Adult Intimacy

 Single Parent Dating - South Africa

Single Parent Dating UK

Single Parent Dating AUSTRALIA
Although you are a single parent, you can attain balance in your life by being an excellent mom or dad and also recognizing your need to have an adult relationship.
Before you can find your prince or princess, you may have to kiss some frogs.  this is a good way to start thinking long and hard about that qualities you are looking for in a partner.  This will also help to decrease the chance of exposing your child to someone with a questionable history.
Single parents may believe they are limited to dating other single parents  This is not necessarily true.

Often, single parents meet that special someone when they are least expecting it.  For instance, you can meet someone at your child's day care, school functions, children's sport events, the park or the zoo.  Have fun, pay attention to your child, but keep your eyes, mind and heart open to possibilities.
Consider them and add your own:
  •  Be cautious about who you date.
  • When you finally introduce your child to the person you are dating, introduce them as a friend.
  • Invite your child to tell you how she or he feels about spending time with this adult.
Think deeply about what you are looking for in a partner.  What qualities are important to you?  Don't forget your child.  Don't consider a relationship with someone you wouldn't choose as a friend.  For instance if you are a Christian, it may be helpful for you to connect with someone who has similar values.

As a single parent who is dating, make your child your priority.  A mature adult will understand that a child's needs are primary.   This is an early benchmark that can help you and your child avoid disappointment.  When single parent dating, arrange to meet in public places and carefully consider what your date does and says.

After you have introduced this person to your child, watch to see how he or she interacts with your child.
It takes time for intentions to be revealed, so take things slowly.  Nurture the belief that a slow and careful approach can lead to a happy outcome for all involved.

1 December 2011

5 Ways To Attract Positive Relationships Into Your Life

As we travel through our life's journey, many relationships will come into our lives. Some of them will be wonderful and long lasting; others, unfortunately, may be short term or unhappy.
Do you tend to attract more negative relationships than positive? Though we strive to develop good, solid, and happy relationships, it seems we sometimes end up with exactly the opposite. Wouldn't you love to attract more positive relationships? The good news is, you can!
Try some of these simple tips to enjoy more positive relationships in your life:
1. Patience. Wonderful relationships don't occur overnight. They take time to nurture and develop into something that's long lasting. To allow these relationships into your life, you must have the patience to let them grow.
  • When you begin a relationship that you perceive as being a positive one, don't rush it. You may be very pleased to see what develops down the road.
2. Believe that you're deserving of it. Be positive and avoid negative feelings or perceptions about yourself. Know that you deserve to have happy, stable relationships in your life.
  • If you begin to think negatively, you must turn these negative thoughts around immediately. Clear your mind and regain your self-confidence.
  • Remember, positive attracts positive. When you think positive thoughts, you'll be rewarded with positive results.
  • You'll ultimately attract positive relationships into your life with the positive energy you're giving off to others. So be a good example of the friend or partner you look to attract!
3. Be true to yourself and others. If you're not true to yourself, whether you believe it or not, others will sense this. Don't try to be something that you're not; this is a negative way of portraying yourself to others.
  • As mentioned before, positive attracts positive, but negative attracts negative as well. Show others your true self, including your flaws. They'll appreciate your open and willing heart and be able to form a strong bond with you more easily.
  • Be genuine to others and allow them to see your true feelings and personality. Trying too hard to act like someone else could lead to embarrassment for you.
4. Don't take relationships for granted. Remember to always give thanks for the valuable relationships in your life. They may not be as numerous as you'd like, but rather than complaining, be thankful for the ones you have now and have had in the past.
  • By professing your gratitude genuinely, you'll have an easier time attracting future positive relationships.
5. Be honest. If you're in a negative relationship right now, that will tend to keep positive relationships from coming into your life. Be honest with yourself and others. Make a conscious decision to either improve that relationship or end it.