This pressure is intensified when one of the parties in the dating duo is a single parent. Dating a single parent and dating as a single parent is very different than dating as a single person. This is why so many of you are searching for dating ideas for single parents and single parents date suggestions.
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The best approach to dating when a single parent is involved is to go for the easy and relaxed "getting to know you" types of dates instead of the "how much can we impress each other?" types of dates. Here are a few standards that should work well for those of you who want to find dating ideas for single parents.
1. Dinner and a (optional) Movie.
There is a reason that dinner and a movie is a classic date. It is easy, it is affordable (or it used to be, movies are kind of expensive these days) and it provides both parties with a distraction if the conversation starts to wane. When dating a single parent set it up as an easy dinner with the option for seeing a movie if the dinner part goes well. If things are awkward or you do not click at dinner you can go your separate ways, no mess no fuss! A good idea for this type of date is to get together for an early dinner and a movie: the movie tickets will be cheaper and it is a lot easier to find a baby sitter when the date takes place in the late afternoon or early evening.
2. Picnic Lunch
Lunch time dates are, at their cores, more relaxed than dinner dates. If you are searching for dating ideas for single parents, suggest a lunch date that is close to where you both work. To save some money suggest a lunch break picnic in which you meet at a location that is near both of your workplaces and to which you each bring your own lunch! This will save you both some money and takes away a lot of the pressure that comes from having dinner. It also gives you an easy out if the lunch date does not go well-you both have to get back to work!
3. Coffee
A type of date which can be short or linger into a couple of hours, depending how the conversation and company turn out. Choose a public place, where you will feel safe.
The best way to approach dating ideas for single parents to err on the side of relaxation and ease. There is no reason to rush into a relationship. Take time to get to know each other and do not put pressure on each other for a second date. Let it be well known that you are both trying to take things as they come. If you get along you'll go out again, if not, then that's okay too!
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